10 Best Manual Pencil Sharpeners (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for manual pencil sharpeners you may be shocked with the amount of items available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of manual pencil sharpener reviews to take away the top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using many parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best manual pencil sharpeners and related products in the table below. Manual pencil sharpener price may change very often, so we are unable to publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Manual Pencil Sharpeners for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Bostitch Office Twist-n-Sharp Pencil Sharpener, for Kids & Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors (PS1-ADJ) Bostitch Office Twist-n-Sharp Pencil Sharpener, for Kids & Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors (PS1-ADJ) 2261 9.5 Bostitch Shop on Amazon
2 2. STAEDTLER pencil sharpener, premium quality sharpener with screw-on lid, prevents accidental openings, compact size for pencil case and work-station, 511 63BK (Pack of 1) , Assorted colors. STAEDTLER pencil sharpener, premium quality sharpener with screw-on lid, prevents accidental openings, compact size for pencil case and work-station, 511 … 3106 9.2 Staedtler Shop on Amazon
3 3. Staedtler Double Hole Pencil Sharpener, Two Holes for Standard Pencils, Large Colored Pencils, and Makeup Pencils, 512 001 BK Staedtler Double Hole Pencil Sharpener, Two Holes for Standard Pencils, Large Colored Pencils, and Makeup Pencils, 512 001 BK 3136 9.0 Staedtler Shop on Amazon
4 4. Sonuimy Pencil Sharpeners, 4 Pcs Pencil Sharpeners Manual,Dual Holes Compact Colored Handheld Pencil Sharpener for Kids with Lid Adults Students School Class Home Office (Covered) Sonuimy Pencil Sharpeners, 4 Pcs Pencil Sharpeners Manual,Dual Holes Compact Colored Handheld Pencil Sharpener for Kids with Lid Adults Students … 3466 8.9 Sonuimy Shop on Amazon
5 5. Bostitch Office Twist-N-Sharp Manual Pencil Sharpener, Easy Open Tray, Perfect for Kids, Works with Colored Pencils & Makeup Pencils, 3-Pack Bostitch Office Twist-N-Sharp Manual Pencil Sharpener, Easy Open Tray, Perfect for Kids, Works with Colored Pencils & Makeup Pencils, 3-Pack 3416 8.5 Bostitch Office Shop on Amazon
6 6. X-ACTO 1031 KS Manual Classroom Pencil Sharpener, Counter/Wall-Mount, Black/Nickel-plated X-ACTO 1031 KS Manual Classroom Pencil Sharpener, Counter/Wall-Mount, Black/Nickel-plated 2090 8.3 X-Acto Shop on Amazon
7 7. Bostitch Office Wall Mount Manual Pencil Sharpener, Tip Saver, 8 Hole Dial, 6X Longer Cutter Life, Vertical or Horizontal Mounting Black (MPS1-BLK) Bostitch Office Wall Mount Manual Pencil Sharpener, Tip Saver, 8 Hole Dial, 6X Longer Cutter Life, Vertical or Horizontal Mounting … 3828 8.0 Bostitch Office Shop on Amazon
8 8. Mr. Pen Handheld Metal Pencil Sharpener with 2 Holes, Pack of 6 Mr. Pen Handheld Metal Pencil Sharpener with 2 Holes, Pack of 6 2711 7.7 Mr. Pen Shop on Amazon
9 9. Bostitch Office Multi-Mount Manual Pencil Sharpener, Vacuum Mount or Screw Mount, Black (MPS2-BLK) Bostitch Office Multi-Mount Manual Pencil Sharpener, Vacuum Mount or Screw Mount, Black (MPS2-BLK) 902 7.5 Bostitch Office Shop on Amazon
10 10. CARL Angel Manual Pencil Sharpener, Red CARL Angel Manual Pencil Sharpener, Red 130 7.3 Carl Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:25 UTC

What is the best manual pencil sharpener on the market?

The best manual pencil sharpener (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is Bostitch Office Twist-n-Sharp Pencil Sharpener, for Kids & Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors (PS1-ADJ) by Bostitch. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.52, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best manual pencil sharpener - Bostitch Office Twist-n-Sharp Pencil Sharpener, for Kids & Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors (PS1-ADJ)Main features of this product published by seller are:

  • Premium Rachet Technology – Allows for comfortable and fast sharpening, unlike other pencil sharpeners
  • ATTACHED DISPENSER DRAWERS – An attached shavings dispenser doors allows you to clean the shaving easily but never lose the …
  • CUSTOMIZABLE SHARPENING – Center dial in center allow for sharp or blunt sharpening
  • TIP SAVER TECHNOLOGY – Prevents over-sharpening, making your pencils last longer. This technology is exclusive to Bostitch Pencil Sharpener
  • RECEIVE ONE OF 3 COLORS: Purple, Coral, or Blue (specific color cannot be guaranteed)

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Office & School Supplies > Writing & Correction Supplies > Pencil Sharpeners.

Bostitch Office Twist-n-Sharp Pencil Sharpener, for Kids & Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors (PS1-ADJ) is the only product in the list sold by Bostitch.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as STAEDTLER pencil sharpener, premium quality sharpener with screw-on lid, prevents accidental openings, compact size or Staedtler Double Hole Pencil Sharpener, Two Holes for Standard Pencils, Large Colored Pencils, and.

STAEDTLER pencil sharpener, premium quality sharpener with screw-on lid, prevents accidental openings, compact size for pencil case and work-station, 511 63BK (Pack of 1) , Assorted colors.
Staedtler Double Hole Pencil Sharpener, Two Holes for Standard Pencils, Large Colored Pencils, and Makeup Pencils, 512 001 BK