10 Best Highlighter Pens (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for highlighter pens you may get confused with great variety of items available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of highlighter pen reviews to select the top rated and best-selling products. We analyzed the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best highlighter pens and related products in the table below. Highlighter pen price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Highlighter Pens for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. SHARPIE Accent Tank-Style Highlighters, 4 Colored Highlighters (25174PP) SHARPIE Accent Tank-Style Highlighters, 4 Colored Highlighters (25174PP) 3133 9.6 Sharpie Shop on Amazon
2 2. BIC Brite Liner Highlighters, Chisel Tip, Yellow Highlighters, 12-Count, For Broad Highlighting or Fine Underlining BIC Brite Liner Highlighters, Chisel Tip, Yellow Highlighters, 12-Count, For Broad Highlighting or Fine Underlining 3818 9.3 Bic Shop on Amazon
3 3. SHARPIE 25162PP Accent Tank-Style Highlighter, Fluorescent Yellow, 2-Pack SHARPIE 25162PP Accent Tank-Style Highlighter, Fluorescent Yellow, 2-Pack 2552 9.1 Sharpie Shop on Amazon
4 4. Mr. Pen- Aesthetic Highlighters and Gel Pens No Bleed, 10 Pack, Morandi Color Bible Highlighters No Bleed, Black Ink Bible Pens, Highlighter Pens, No Bleed Highlighters for Bibles, Bible Pens Mr. Pen- Aesthetic Highlighters and Gel Pens No Bleed, 10 Pack, Morandi Color Bible Highlighters No Bleed, Black Ink Bible … 1949 8.8 Mr. Pen Shop on Amazon
5 5. AVERY Hi-Liter Pen-Style Highlighters, Smear Safe Ink, Chisel Tip, 3 Assorted Color Highlighters (25860) AVERY Hi-Liter Pen-Style Highlighters, Smear Safe Ink, Chisel Tip, 3 Assorted Color Highlighters (25860) 1961 8.6 Avery Shop on Amazon
6 6. SHARPIE 1740822 Accent Retractable Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Fluorescent Yellow, 5-Count SHARPIE 1740822 Accent Retractable Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Fluorescent Yellow, 5-Count 2188 8.4 Sharpie Shop on Amazon
7 7. Mr. Pen- Dual Tip Highlighters, Vintage Colors, 8 Pack, Fine & Chisel Tip, Highlighter, Highlighters Assorted Colors, Cute Highlighters, Highlighter Pens, Highlighter Markers Mr. Pen- Dual Tip Highlighters, Vintage Colors, 8 Pack, Fine & Chisel Tip, Highlighter, Highlighters Assorted Colors, Cute Highlighters, Highlighter … 537 8.3 Mr. Pen Shop on Amazon
8 8. Mr. Pen- Aesthetic Highlighters, 12pcs, Chisel Tip, Vibrant Colors, Highlighters Assorted Colors, Bible Highlighters and Pens No Bleed, Cute Highlighters, No Bleed Highlighters for Bible Page No Bleed Mr. Pen- Aesthetic Highlighters, 12pcs, Chisel Tip, Vibrant Colors, Highlighters Assorted Colors, Bible Highlighters and Pens No Bleed, Cute Highlighters, … 983 8.2 Mr. Pen Shop on Amazon
9 9. Writon Liquid Ink Rollerball Pen and Highlighter Combo, 0.5mm Extra Fine Precision Needle Point, Black Ink, 12 Pack Writon Liquid Ink Rollerball Pen and Highlighter Combo, 0.5mm Extra Fine Precision Needle Point, Black Ink, 12 Pack 392 7.9 Writon Shop on Amazon
10 10. SyPen Highlighter with Ballpoint Pen Combo, Comes in an array of bright colors, 5 pack SyPen Highlighter with Ballpoint Pen Combo, Comes in an array of bright colors, 5 pack 631 7.6 Sypen Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:18 UTC

What is the best highlighter pen on the market?

The best highlighter pen (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is SHARPIE Accent Tank-Style Highlighters, 4 Colored Highlighters (25174PP) by Sharpie. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.56, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best highlighter pen - SHARPIE Accent Tank-Style Highlighters, 4 Colored Highlighters (25174PP)Main features of this product published by seller are:

  • Large ink supply delivers dependable highlighting
  • Bright, colorful ink stands out on the page
  • Versatile chisel tip easily produces wide and narrow lines
  • Resists smearing of many pen and marker inks (let ink dry before highlighting)
  • Includes 4 assorted Sharpie Highlighters: Fluorescent Pink, Fluorescent Orange, Yellow, and Blue

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Office & School Supplies > Writing & Correction Supplies > Markers & Highlighters > Highlighters.

SHARPIE Accent Tank-Style Highlighters, 4 Colored Highlighters (25174PP) is not the only product in the list sold by Sharpie.

Other products by this brand are:

  • SHARPIE 25162PP Accent Tank-Style Highlighter, Fluorescent Yellow, 2-Pack
  • SHARPIE 1740822 Accent Retractable Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Fluorescent Yellow, 5-Count

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as BIC Brite Liner Highlighters, Chisel Tip, Yellow Highlighters, 12-Count, For Broad Highlighting or Fine or SHARPIE 25162PP Accent Tank-Style Highlighter, Fluorescent Yellow, 2-Pack.

BIC Brite Liner Highlighters, Chisel Tip, Yellow Highlighters, 12-Count, For Broad Highlighting or Fine Underlining
SHARPIE 25162PP Accent Tank-Style Highlighter, Fluorescent Yellow, 2-Pack