10 Best Pellet Stove Inserts (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for pellet stove inserts you may be at a loss with great variety of items available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of pellet stove insert reviews to take away only top rated and best-selling products. We analyzed the offers and rendered them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using many parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best pellet stove inserts and akin products in the table below. Pellet stove insert price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Pellet Stove Inserts for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Breckwell Pellet Stove Burn Pot - A-S-INSERT Breckwell Pellet Stove Burn Pot – A-S-INSERT 73 9.7 Breckwell Shop on Amazon
2 2. Small Pellet Basket, Heating Source Using Wood Pellets in Your Wood Stove or Fireplace Small Pellet Basket, Heating Source Using Wood Pellets in Your Wood Stove or Fireplace 114 9.4 Burnwoodpellets Shop on Amazon
3 3. Cleveland Iron Works PSBF66W-CIW Bayfront Pellet Stove, WiFi Enabled, 66 lb Hopper, Black Cleveland Iron Works PSBF66W-CIW Bayfront Pellet Stove, WiFi Enabled, 66 lb Hopper, Black 80 9.3 Mr. Heater Shop on Amazon
4 4. Rockford Chimney Supply 316 Stainless Steel Flexible Chimney Liner Insert Kit, 3 Inch x 20 Feet Rockford Chimney Supply 316 Stainless Steel Flexible Chimney Liner Insert Kit, 3 Inch x 20 Feet 116 9.1 Rockford Chimney Supply Shop on Amazon
5 5. US Stove Company US GW1949 Wiseway Non-Electric Pellet Stove, 60 lbs Hopper, Black US Stove Company US GW1949 Wiseway Non-Electric Pellet Stove, 60 lbs Hopper, Black 100 8.8 Us Stove Shop on Amazon
6 6. Comfortbilt HP22i Pellet Stove Fireplace Insert Heats 2800 sq.ft 47 lb Hopper Capacity Comfortbilt HP22i Pellet Stove Fireplace Insert Heats 2800 sq.ft 47 lb Hopper Capacity 123 8.6 Comfortbilt Shop on Amazon
7 7. Castle 41278 Serenity Pellet Stove, 1,500 square ft. Heating Capability, Smart Controller Features Manual, Weekly, Thermostat and Eco Operating Modes, 40lb Hopper Capacity, Easy Clean Design, Black Castle 41278 Serenity Pellet Stove, 1,500 square ft. Heating Capability, Smart Controller Features Manual, Weekly, Thermostat and Eco Operating Modes, … 80 8.4 Castle Pellet Stoves Shop on Amazon
8 8. Ashley Hearth AW1820E 1,200 Sq. Ft. Wood Stove Insert , Black Ashley Hearth AW1820E 1,200 Sq. Ft. Wood Stove Insert , Black 77 8.1 Ashley Hearth Shop on Amazon
9 9. Quadra-Fire Mt. Vernon E2 Pellet Stove and Insert Control Board Quadra-Fire Mt. Vernon E2 Pellet Stove and Insert Control Board 125 7.7 Hht Shop on Amazon
10 10. Quadra-Fire Mt. Vernon AE Pellet Stove & Insert Auto Clean Motor & Arm Assembly Quadra-Fire Mt. Vernon AE Pellet Stove & Insert Auto Clean Motor & Arm Assembly 65 7.4 Quadra-Fire Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:18 UTC

What is the best pellet stove insert on the market?

The best pellet stove insert (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is Breckwell Pellet Stove Burn Pot – A-S-INSERT by Breckwell. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.67, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best pellet stove insert - Breckwell Pellet Stove Burn Pot - A-S-INSERTMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • Breckwell Stainless Steel Burn Pot Insert (A-S-Insert)
  • See Product Description Below for Models This Grate Fits

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Kitchen & Dining > Cookware > Steamers, Stock & Pasta Pots > Stockpots.

Breckwell Pellet Stove Burn Pot – A-S-INSERT is the only product in the list sold by Breckwell.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Small Pellet Basket, Heating Source Using Wood Pellets in Your Wood Stove or Fireplace or Cleveland Iron Works PSBF66W-CIW Bayfront Pellet Stove, WiFi Enabled, 66 lb Hopper, Black.

Small Pellet Basket, Heating Source Using Wood Pellets in Your Wood Stove or Fireplace
Cleveland Iron Works PSBF66W-CIW Bayfront Pellet Stove, WiFi Enabled, 66 lb Hopper, Black