10 Best Pants Hangers (April 2024)

When browsing the Internet for pants hangers you may be at a loss with the amount of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of pants hangers reviews to pick out only top rated and best-selling products. We analyzed the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best pants hangers and similar products in the table below. Pants hangers price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Pants Hangers for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Hanger Central 30 Pack Space Saving Heavy Duty Slim Plastic Pants, Skirts and Shorts Hangers, Ridged Non-Slip with Pinch Clips, 360-Rotating Chrome Swivel Hook, in Black, 10 Inches Hanger Central 30 Pack Space Saving Heavy Duty Slim Plastic Pants, Skirts and Shorts Hangers, Ridged Non-Slip with Pinch Clips, … 72 9.7 Hanger Central Shop on Amazon
2 2. Kalimdor Pants Hangers 2 Pack Space Saving Metal Closet Organizer,Clothes Pants Hangers,Anti-Slip Design,Closet Organizers and Storage for Pants Jeans Skirts Scarf Legging Kalimdor Pants Hangers 2 Pack Space Saving Metal Closet Organizer,Clothes Pants Hangers,Anti-Slip Design,Closet Organizers and Storage for Pants Jeans Skirts … 93 9.5 Kalimdor Shop on Amazon
3 3. NORTHERN BROTHERS Pants Hangers with Clips 20 Pack, Adjustable Skirt Hangers for Women Metal Pants Hangers for Jeans NORTHERN BROTHERS Pants Hangers with Clips 20 Pack, Adjustable Skirt Hangers for Women Metal Pants Hangers for Jeans 1823 9.2 Northern Brothers Shop on Amazon
4 4. Zober Pants Hangers Non Slip - 20 Pack Open Ended Pants and Jean Hangers for Closet - Space Saving Clothes Hanger - Strong, Durable, Metal Pant Hangers (Black) Zober Pants Hangers Non Slip – 20 Pack Open Ended Pants and Jean Hangers for Closet – Space Saving Clothes … 1407 8.8 Zober Shop on Amazon
5 5. Sharpty Pant & Skirt Hangers - Closet Hangers for Shorts, Shirts, Jeans, Dresses, Slacks, Coats, Clothes, Clothing, Garments & More - Durable, Space Saving & Non-Slip, Black - 10 Pack Sharpty Pant & Skirt Hangers – Closet Hangers for Shorts, Shirts, Jeans, Dresses, Slacks, Coats, Clothes, Clothing, Garments & More … 78 8.5 Sharpty Shop on Amazon
6 6. DEILSY Skirt Hangers with Adjustable Non-Slip Clips - Clear Plastic Clothes Hangers Perfect for Pants, Shorts, Skirts - Pack of 12 DEILSY Skirt Hangers with Adjustable Non-Slip Clips – Clear Plastic Clothes Hangers Perfect for Pants, Shorts, Skirts – Pack of … 109 8.3 Deilsy Shop on Amazon
7 7. SONGMICS 30-Pack Pants Hangers, 16.7-Inch Long Velvet Hangers with Adjustable Clips, Heavy-Duty, Non-Slip Skirt Hangers, Space-Saving for Pants, Skirts, Coats, Dresses, Black UCRF12B30 SONGMICS 30-Pack Pants Hangers, 16.7-Inch Long Velvet Hangers with Adjustable Clips, Heavy-Duty, Non-Slip Skirt Hangers, Space-Saving for Pants, Skirts, Coats, … 1825 8.1 Songmics Shop on Amazon
8 8. Smartor Pants Hangers - 30 Pack, Black Pant Hangers with 360ยฐ Hooks, Shorts Hangers with Strong Clamps, Dress, Heavy Duty Hangers as Trousers Hangers, Skirt Hanger, Jean Hangers (12 Inch) Smartor Pants Hangers – 30 Pack, Black Pant Hangers with 360ยฐ Hooks, Shorts Hangers with Strong Clamps, Dress, Heavy Duty … 2294 8.0 Titan Mall Shop on Amazon
9 9. Pants Hangers | Open-Ended Metal Pants Hangers, 15 Metal Hangers Non Slip Hanger for Pants, Jean Hangers for Closet, Black Pants Hangers for Women and Men by ERA Accents Pants Hangers | Open-Ended Metal Pants Hangers, 15 Metal Hangers Non Slip Hanger for Pants, Jean Hangers for Closet, Black … 110 7.6 Era Accents Shop on Amazon
10 10. HOUSE DAY Pants & Skirt Hangers - 10 Pack Pants Hangers with Non-Slip Big Clips - Closet Hangers for Shorts, Shirts, Jeans, Slacks, Clothes, Clothing - Durable, Slim & Space Saving, Black - 12 Inch HOUSE DAY Pants & Skirt Hangers – 10 Pack Pants Hangers with Non-Slip Big Clips – Closet Hangers for Shorts, … 833 7.5 House Day Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:25 UTC

What are the best pants hangers on the market?

The best pants hangers (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) are Hanger Central 30 Pack Space Saving Heavy Duty Slim Plastic Pants, Skirts and Shorts by Hanger Central. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.65, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best pants hangers - Hanger Central 30 Pack Space Saving Heavy Duty Slim Plastic Pants, Skirts and Shorts Hangers, Ridged Non-Slip with Pinch Clips, 360-Rotating Chrome Swivel Hook, in Black, 10 InchesMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • ๐Ÿ‘– Keep your pants and shorts neatly organized and easily accessible with these Hanger Central Space Saving Heavy Duty Slim …
  • ๐Ÿ‘— The pinch clips on these hangers ensure that your pants, skirts, and shorts stay securely in place, preventing them …
  • ๐Ÿฉณ Made from high-quality, heavy-duty plastic, these hangers are built to last. They can hold even the heaviest of pants, …
  • ๐Ÿ‘— The 360-degree rotating chrome swivel hook on these hangers makes it easy to access your pants and shorts, while …
  • ๐Ÿ‘– Each hanger measures 10 inches in length, making them ideal for shorter pants and shorts. These hangers are also …

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Storage & Organization > Clothing & Closet Storage > Clothes Hangers > Pants Hangers.

Hanger Central 30 Pack Space Saving Heavy Duty Slim Plastic Pants, Skirts and Shorts is the only product in the list sold by Hanger Central.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Kalimdor Pants Hangers 2 Pack Space Saving Metal Closet Organizer,Clothes Pants Hangers,Anti-Slip Design,Closet Organizers or NORTHERN BROTHERS Pants Hangers with Clips 20 Pack, Adjustable Skirt Hangers for Women Metal.

Kalimdor Pants Hangers 2 Pack Space Saving Metal Closet Organizer,Clothes Pants Hangers,Anti-Slip Design,Closet Organizers and Storage for Pants Jeans Skirts Scarf Legging
NORTHERN BROTHERS Pants Hangers with Clips 20 Pack, Adjustable Skirt Hangers for Women Metal Pants Hangers for Jeans