10 Best Furnace Humidifiers (April 2024)

When browsing the Internet for furnace humidifiers you may lose courage with vast variety of items available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of furnace humidifier reviews to take away the top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using lots of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best furnace humidifiers and related products in the table below. Furnace humidifier price may change very often, so we can't publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Furnace Humidifiers for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. AprilAire 700 Whole Home Humidifier, Automatic Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,300 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 700 Whole Home Humidifier, Automatic Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,300 … 2043 9.7 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
2 2. AprilAire 800 Whole-House Steam Humidifier, Automatic Steam Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 10,300 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 800 Whole-House Steam Humidifier, Automatic Steam Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 10,300 Sq. Ft., White 95 9.5 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
3 3. AprilAire 500 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 3,600 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 500 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 3,600 Sq. Ft., White 133 9.3 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
4 4. AprilAire 600M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual High Output Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 600M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual High Output Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., … 2661 9.2 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
5 5. DIGI MISTER Evaporative Duct Mount Whole House Furnace Humidifier, Atomizing Cool Mist Variable Capacities for Homes and Offices from 1000 to 3500 sq. ft. DIGI MISTER Evaporative Duct Mount Whole House Furnace Humidifier, Atomizing Cool Mist Variable Capacities for Homes and Offices from 1000 … 140 9.0 Digi Mister Shop on Amazon
6 6. AprilAire 500M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 3,600 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 500M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 3,600 Sq. Ft., White 2529 8.8 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
7 7. AprilAire 700M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,300 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 700M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,300 Sq. Ft., … 1496 8.7 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
8 8. AprilAire 600 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic High Output Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 600 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic High Output Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., … 137 8.5 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
9 9. AprilAire 400M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Water Saver Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., White AprilAire 400M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Water Saver Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., … 92 8.1 Aprilaire Shop on Amazon
10 10. DIGI MISTER Evaporative Duct Mount Whole House Furnace Humidifier with 8 UV-C LEDs, Atomizing Cool Mist Variable Capacities for Homes and Offices from 1000 to 3500 sq. ft. DIGI MISTER Evaporative Duct Mount Whole House Furnace Humidifier with 8 UV-C LEDs, Atomizing Cool Mist Variable Capacities for Homes … 139 8.0 Digi Mister Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:29 UTC

What is the best furnace humidifier on the market?

The best furnace humidifier (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is AprilAire 700 Whole Home Humidifier, Automatic Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole House by Aprilaire. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.65, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best furnace humidifier - AprilAire 700 Whole Home Humidifier, Automatic Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,300 Sq. Ft., WhiteMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • BUY WITH CONFIDENCE This humidifier was designed and manufactured in the USA by AprilAire – the inventor of the whole …
  • FULL COVERAGE up to 5,300 square feet in tightly built homes with a capacity of 18 gallons per day
  • AUTOMATIC HUMIDIFIER with dual sensors to monitor and respond to both outdoor temperature and indoor relative humidity to deliver optimum …
  • BUILT-IN FAN pulls heated air directly from the furnace through the humidifier
  • HUMIDITY FOR HEALTH AprilAire Humidifiers can help you maintain optimal humidity in your home of 40% – 60% which has …

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Heating, Cooling & Air Quality > Humidifiers & Accessories > Humidifiers.

AprilAire 700 Whole Home Humidifier, Automatic Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole House is not the only product in the list sold by Aprilaire.

More then the half of this list is taken by Aprilaire.
Other products by this brand are:

  • AprilAire 800 Whole-House Steam Humidifier, Automatic Steam Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 10,300 Sq. Ft., White
  • AprilAire 500 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 3,600 Sq. Ft., White
  • AprilAire 600M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual High Output Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., White
  • AprilAire 500M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 3,600 Sq. Ft., White
  • AprilAire 700M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Fan Powered Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,300 Sq. Ft., White
  • AprilAire 600 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic High Output Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., White
  • AprilAire 400M Whole-House Humidifier, Manual Water Saver Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 5,000 Sq. Ft., White

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as AprilAire 800 Whole-House Steam Humidifier, Automatic Steam Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes or AprilAire 500 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes.

AprilAire 800 Whole-House Steam Humidifier, Automatic Steam Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 10,300 Sq. Ft., White
AprilAire 500 Whole-House Humidifier, Automatic Compact Furnace Humidifier, Large Capacity Whole-House Humidifier for Homes up to 3,600 Sq. Ft., White