10 Best Corded String Trimmers (April 2024)

When browsing the Internet for corded string trimmers you may be at a loss with diversity of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of corded string trimmer reviews to select only top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and rendered them in the form of visual table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using lots of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best corded string trimmers and relevant products in the table below. Corded string trimmer price may change very often, so we are unable to publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Corded String Trimmers for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer with Auto Feed, Electric, 6.5-Amp, 14-Inch (BESTA510) BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer with Auto Feed, Electric, 6.5-Amp, 14-Inch (BESTA510) 1865 9.6 Black+Decker Shop on Amazon
2 2. Greenworks 5.5 Amp 15" Corded Electric String Trimmer Greenworks 5.5 Amp 15" Corded Electric String Trimmer 1047 9.3 Greenworks Shop on Amazon
3 3. Greenworks 10 Amp 18-Inch Corded String Trimmer (Attachment Capable), 21142 Greenworks 10 Amp 18-Inch Corded String Trimmer (Attachment Capable), 21142 2553 9.1 Greenworks Shop on Amazon
4 4. BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer, Electric, 14-Inch (BESTE620FF) BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer, Electric, 14-Inch (BESTE620FF) 641 8.9 Black+Decker Shop on Amazon
5 5. BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer, Electric, 14-inch (BESTE620),Orange BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer, Electric, 14-inch (BESTE620),Orange 418 8.6 Black+Decker Shop on Amazon
6 6. BLACK+DECKER ST8600 5.0 AMP STRING TRIMMER, 13 Inches BLACK+DECKER ST8600 5.0 AMP STRING TRIMMER, 13 Inches 2661 8.2 Black+Decker Shop on Amazon
7 7. Craftsman WEEDWACKER® String Trimmer, 6.5 Amp, 14-Inch (CMEST913) Craftsman WEEDWACKER® String Trimmer, 6.5 Amp, 14-Inch (CMEST913) 450 7.9 Craftsman Shop on Amazon
8 8. Worx WG119 5.5 Amp 15" Electric String Trimmer & Edger Worx WG119 5.5 Amp 15" Electric String Trimmer & Edger 473 7.7 Worx Shop on Amazon
9 9. Toro 51480 Corded 14-Inch Electric Trimmer/Edger, Red/Silver Toro 51480 Corded 14-Inch Electric Trimmer/Edger, Red/Silver 1023 7.3 Toro Shop on Amazon
10 10. LawnMaster Red Edition GT1644 Electric String Trimmer 10 Amp 16-Inch Corded Grass Trimmer Lightweight with Shoulder Strap LawnMaster Red Edition GT1644 Electric String Trimmer 10 Amp 16-Inch Corded Grass Trimmer Lightweight with Shoulder Strap 303 7.0 Lawnmaster Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:31 UTC

What is the best corded string trimmer on the market?

The best corded string trimmer (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer with Auto Feed, Electric, 6.5-Amp, 14-Inch (BESTA510) by Black+Decker. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.55, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best corded string trimmer - BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer with Auto Feed, Electric, 6.5-Amp, 14-Inch (BESTA510)Main features of this product published by seller are:

  • Automatic Feed Spool (AFS) technology of the edger/trimmer eliminates bumping for hassle-free line feeding that helps you work without interruptions
  • The 6.5 amp motor and POWERDRIVE Transmission of the grass cutter provide maximum performance when trimming through the toughest weeds, …
  • 2-in-1 trimmer/edger with wheeled edge guide – just rotate to convert from lawn trimmer to wheeled edger
  • Lightweight design with adjustable handle and height positions provide maximum comfort and control
  • Cord retention system prevents accidental cord disconnection
  • 14-inch cut path gets the job done fast. Rpm : 8000rpm

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Outdoor Power Tools > String Trimmers.

BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer with Auto Feed, Electric, 6.5-Amp, 14-Inch (BESTA510) is not the only product in the list sold by Black+Decker.

Other products by this brand are:

  • BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer, Electric, 14-Inch (BESTE620FF)
  • BLACK+DECKER String Trimmer, Electric, 14-inch (BESTE620),Orange

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Greenworks 5.5 Amp 15″ Corded Electric String Trimmer or Greenworks 10 Amp 18-Inch Corded String Trimmer (Attachment Capable), 21142.

Greenworks 5.5 Amp 15" Corded Electric String Trimmer
Greenworks 10 Amp 18-Inch Corded String Trimmer (Attachment Capable), 21142