10 Best Furniture Polishes (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for furniture polishes you may lose courage with the amount of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of furniture polish reviews to pick out the top rated and best-selling products. We analyzed the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best furniture polishes and akin products in the table below. Furniture polish price may change very often, so we are unable to publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Furniture Polishes for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Lemon, 9.7 oz (Pack of 1) Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Lemon, 9.7 oz (Pack of 1) 796 9.6 Pledge Shop on Amazon
2 2. Howard Feed-N-Wax Wood Polish and Conditioner, 16-Ounce Howard Feed-N-Wax Wood Polish and Conditioner, 16-Ounce 3058 9.2 Howard Products Shop on Amazon
3 3. Endust Multi-Surface Dusting and Cleaning Spray, Lemon Zest, 12.5 Ounce (Pack of 2) Endust Multi-Surface Dusting and Cleaning Spray, Lemon Zest, 12.5 Ounce (Pack of 2) 1733 9.1 Endust Shop on Amazon
4 4. Old English 75144 Scratch Cover For Dark Woods, 8oz Bottle, Wood Polish Old English 75144 Scratch Cover For Dark Woods, 8oz Bottle, Wood Polish 652 8.7 Old English Shop on Amazon
5 5. Method Daily Wood Cleaner, Almond, Plant-Based Formula That Cleans Shelves, Tables and Other Wooden Surfaces While Removing Dust & Grime, 28 oz Spray Bottles, (Pack of 1) Method Daily Wood Cleaner, Almond, Plant-Based Formula That Cleans Shelves, Tables and Other Wooden Surfaces While Removing Dust & Grime, … 2549 8.5 Method Shop on Amazon
6 6. Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Orange, 9.7 oz (Pack of 1) Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Orange, 9.7 oz (Pack of 1) 580 8.3 Pledge Shop on Amazon
7 7. Pledge Moisturizing Oil Spray, Amber & Argan Scent, Nourishes, Protects and Revitalizes Furniture, 9.7 oz Pledge Moisturizing Oil Spray, Amber & Argan Scent, Nourishes, Protects and Revitalizes Furniture, 9.7 oz 2273 7.9 Pledge Shop on Amazon
8 8. The Original Bee's Wax Old World Formula Furniture Polish - 2 Pack The Original Bee's Wax Old World Formula Furniture Polish – 2 Pack 886 7.7 The Original Bee's Wax Shop on Amazon
9 9. Pledge Polish and Shine for Wood Furniture and More, Lemon, White, 14.2 Oz (Pack of 6) Pledge Polish and Shine for Wood Furniture and More, Lemon, White, 14.2 Oz (Pack of 6) 485 7.4 Sc Johnson Professional Shop on Amazon
10 10. Behold Furniture Polish, Citrus, 12.5 Oz (Pack of 3) Behold Furniture Polish, Citrus, 12.5 Oz (Pack of 3) 562 7.0 Behold Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:18 UTC

What is the best furniture polish on the market?

The best furniture polish (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Lemon, 9.7 oz by Pledge. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.59, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best furniture polish - Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Lemon, 9.7 oz (Pack of 1)Main features of this product published by seller are:

  • Pledge Expert Care Lemon Enhancing Aerosol is a furniture cleaner and furniture polisher that shines and protects wood surfaces and …
  • This cleaner spray improves the appearance of most hard surfaces by removing dust and fingerprints and providing a protective, glossy …
  • Pledge Expert Care is an enhancing polish you can use on sealed wood, sealed leather, granite, stainless steel, laminate, quartz …
  • Our wood cleaner and wood polisher provides a streak-free, fast and easy shine to keep your special surfaces looking their …
  • Convenient aerosol makes it quick and easy to use and leaves a crisp and fresh lemon scent

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Household Supplies > Household Cleaning > Wood Polish & Care > Wood Polish.

Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Lemon, 9.7 oz is not the only product in the list sold by Pledge.

Other products by this brand are:

  • Pledge Expert Care Wood Polish Spray, Shines and Protects, Removes Fingerprints, Orange, 9.7 oz (Pack of 1)
  • Pledge Moisturizing Oil Spray, Amber & Argan Scent, Nourishes, Protects and Revitalizes Furniture, 9.7 oz

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Howard Feed-N-Wax Wood Polish and Conditioner, 16-Ounce or Endust Multi-Surface Dusting and Cleaning Spray, Lemon Zest, 12.5 Ounce (Pack of 2).

Howard Feed-N-Wax Wood Polish and Conditioner, 16-Ounce
Endust Multi-Surface Dusting and Cleaning Spray, Lemon Zest, 12.5 Ounce (Pack of 2)