10 Best Cr2032 Batteries (April 2024)

When browsing the Internet for cr2032 batteries you may lose courage with great variety of items available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of cr2032 battery reviews to pick out only top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and arranged them in the form of visual table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using lots of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best cr2032 batteries and relevant products in the table below. Cr2032 battery price may change very often, so we can't publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Cr2032 Batteries for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Amazon Basics 4-Pack CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell Battery, 3 Volt, Long Lasting Power, Mercury-Free Amazon Basics 4-Pack CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell Battery, 3 Volt, Long Lasting Power, Mercury-Free 154 9.6 Amazon Basics Shop on Amazon
2 2. LiCB CR2032 3V Lithium Battery(10-Pack) LiCB CR2032 3V Lithium Battery(10-Pack) 3057 9.3 Licb Shop on Amazon
3 3. Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 8 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag, Key Fob, and other devices. CR2032 Battery Lithium Coin Battery. CR Lithium 3V Cell Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 8 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag, Key Fob, and other devices. CR2032 … 3349 9.2 Duracell Shop on Amazon
4 4. Energizer CR2032 Batteries, 3V Lithium Coin Cell 2032 Watch Battery,White (6 Count) Energizer CR2032 Batteries, 3V Lithium Coin Cell 2032 Watch Battery,White (6 Count) 3730 9.1 Energizer Shop on Amazon
5 5. Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 4 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag, Key Fob, and other devices. CR2032 Lithium 3V Cell. 2032 Battery, Lithium Coin Battery Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 4 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag, Key Fob, and other devices. CR2032 … 3239 8.8 Duracell Shop on Amazon
6 6. POWEROWL High Capacity CR2032 Battery (20-Pack) 3v Lithium Batteries, 10 Years Leak-Free, Long Lasting Cr 2032 POWEROWL High Capacity CR2032 Battery (20-Pack) 3v Lithium Batteries, 10 Years Leak-Free, Long Lasting Cr 2032 132 8.5 Powerowl Shop on Amazon
7 7. Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 2 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag, Key Fob, and other devices. CR2032 Lithium 3V Cell. 2032 Battery, Lithium Coin Battery Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 2 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag, Key Fob, and other devices. CR2032 … 2233 8.3 Duracell Shop on Amazon
8 8. Panasonic CR2032 3.0 Volt Long Lasting Lithium Coin Cell Batteries in Child Resistant, Standards Based Packaging, 10 Pack Panasonic CR2032 3.0 Volt Long Lasting Lithium Coin Cell Batteries in Child Resistant, Standards Based Packaging, 10 Pack 137 7.9 Panasonic Shop on Amazon
9 9. PKCELL CR2032 CR2032 Batteries ECR2032 DL2032 3V Lithium Batteries (5pc/1card) PKCELL CR2032 CR2032 Batteries ECR2032 DL2032 3V Lithium Batteries (5pc/1card) 2751 7.6 Pkcell Shop on Amazon
10 10. Nightkonic 5 Count - CR2032 Battery 3v Lithium Button Cell Coin 2032 Battery Nightkonic 5 Count – CR2032 Battery 3v Lithium Button Cell Coin 2032 Battery 1781 7.5 Nightkonic Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:19 UTC

What is the best cr2032 battery on the market?

The best cr2032 battery (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is Amazon Basics 4-Pack CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell Battery, 3 Volt, Long Lasting Power, Mercury-Free by Amazon Basics. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.63, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best cr2032 battery - Amazon Basics 4-Pack CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell Battery, 3 Volt, Long Lasting Power, Mercury-FreeMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • Plastic, Metal
  • Imported
  • IN THE BOX: 4-pack of CR2032 3 volt lithium coin cell batteries; replacement for BR2032, DL2032, and ECR2032
  • DEVICE COMPATIBLE: Ideal for watches, calculators, key fobs, Apple TV remotes, and other small electronics
  • EASY IDENTIFICATION: Engraved with battery model for quick identification

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Self Service > Special Features Stores > 8346234c-3736-4001-b2a5-9fd229148daa_0 > 8346234c-3736-4001-b2a5-9fd229148daa_2501.

Amazon Basics 4-Pack CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell Battery, 3 Volt, Long Lasting Power, Mercury-Free is the only product in the list sold by Amazon Basics.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as LiCB CR2032 3V Lithium Battery(10-Pack) or Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 8 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag,.

LiCB CR2032 3V Lithium Battery(10-Pack)
Duracell 2032 Lithium Battery. 8 Count Pack. Child Safety Features. Compatible with Apple AirTag, Key Fob, and other devices. CR2032 Battery Lithium Coin Battery. CR Lithium 3V Cell