10 Best Butane Lighters (April 2024)

When browsing the Internet for butane lighters you may lose courage with diversity of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of butane lighter reviews to select the top rated and best-selling products. We analyzed the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best butane lighters and relevant products in the table below. Butane lighter price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Butane Lighters for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Zippo 3807 Butane Fuel, 75 ml Packaging May Vary, 42 Gram, 42 gram Zippo 3807 Butane Fuel, 75 ml Packaging May Vary, 42 Gram, 42 gram 3100 9.6 Zippo Shop on Amazon
2 2. BIC Multi-Purpose Utility Lighters, 4-Pack BIC Multi-Purpose Utility Lighters, 4-Pack 3128 9.5 Bic Shop on Amazon
3 3. Zippo Butane Lighter Insert - Yellow Flame Zippo Butane Lighter Insert – Yellow Flame 2666 9.4 Zippo Shop on Amazon
4 4. Zippo Butane Fuel 75 Milliliter / 2.5 Ounces (2-Pack) Zippo Butane Fuel 75 Milliliter / 2.5 Ounces (2-Pack) 3781 9.3 Zippo Shop on Amazon
5 5. Torch Lighters, 2 Pack, Butane Lighters, Adjustable Jet Flame Torch Lighters, Windproof Butane Refillable Gas Torch Lighter Long Lighter for Candle, Grill, BBQ, Fireworks(Butane Not Included) Black Torch Lighters, 2 Pack, Butane Lighters, Adjustable Jet Flame Torch Lighters, Windproof Butane Refillable Gas Torch Lighter Long Lighter for … 103 9.0 Topkay Shop on Amazon
6 6. Torch Lighters 2 Pack Windproof Adjustable Jet Flame Butane Lighter, Refillable Gas Torch Lighter for Candles Grill BBQ Fireplaces Camping (Butane Not Included) Torch Lighters 2 Pack Windproof Adjustable Jet Flame Butane Lighter, Refillable Gas Torch Lighter for Candles Grill BBQ Fireplaces Camping … 65 8.7 Topkay Shop on Amazon
7 7. 5 Pack Torch Lighter Mini Refillable Butane Lighters Single Jet Flame 45° Rotatable Torch Lighters Windproof Adjustable Butane Gas Lighter for Candle Camping Fireplace Party BBQ Grill(Without Fuel) 5 Pack Torch Lighter Mini Refillable Butane Lighters Single Jet Flame 45° Rotatable Torch Lighters Windproof Adjustable Butane Gas Lighter … 579 8.4 Zoocura Shop on Amazon
8 8. Torch Lighter, Butane Lighter, Windproof Butane Refillable Torch Flame Lighter, Multi Utility Lighter for Candles Fireplaces Campfires BBQ Grill Pilot Lights, 4 Pack (Butane Not Included) Torch Lighter, Butane Lighter, Windproof Butane Refillable Torch Flame Lighter, Multi Utility Lighter for Candles Fireplaces Campfires BBQ Grill Pilot … 1045 8.0 Topkay Shop on Amazon
9 9. Torch Lighter Triple Jet Flame Refillable Butane Cigar Lighter Windproof Lighter with Cigar Punch Rest Holder - Butane Not Included (Red Copper) Torch Lighter Triple Jet Flame Refillable Butane Cigar Lighter Windproof Lighter with Cigar Punch Rest Holder – Butane Not Included … 107 7.8 Promise Shop on Amazon
10 10. Cigar Lighter Triple Jet Flame Butane Torch Lighters Windproof Butane Refillable Gas Torch Lighters with a Gift Box, 2 Pack (Without Gas) Cigar Lighter Triple Jet Flame Butane Torch Lighters Windproof Butane Refillable Gas Torch Lighters with a Gift Box, 2 Pack … 1642 7.5 Topkay Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:13 UTC

What is the best butane lighter on the market?

The best butane lighter (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is Zippo 3807 Butane Fuel, 75 ml Packaging May Vary, 42 Gram, 42 gram by Zippo. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.62, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best butane lighter - Zippo 3807 Butane Fuel, 75 ml Packaging May Vary, 42 Gram, 42 gramMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • 1.48 ounces (42 grams)
  • For use with flex necks, candle lighters, outdoor utility lighters
  • For use with butane lighters and butane torches
  • Made in USA

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Self Service > Special Features Stores > 50211fff-c732-4870-bcf7-91c88f314fda_0 > 50211fff-c732-4870-bcf7-91c88f314fda_5301 > Save on Zippo.

Zippo 3807 Butane Fuel, 75 ml Packaging May Vary, 42 Gram, 42 gram is not the only product in the list sold by Zippo.

Other products by this brand are:

  • Zippo Butane Lighter Insert – Yellow Flame
  • Zippo Butane Fuel 75 Milliliter / 2.5 Ounces (2-Pack)

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as BIC Multi-Purpose Utility Lighters, 4-Pack or Zippo Butane Lighter Insert – Yellow Flame.

BIC Multi-Purpose Utility Lighters, 4-Pack
Zippo Butane Lighter Insert - Yellow Flame