10 Best Internal Optical Drives (April 2024)

When browsing the Internet for internal optical drives you may be at a loss with great variety of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of internal optical drive reviews to select the top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and rendered them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best internal optical drives and similar products in the table below. Internal optical drive price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Internal Optical Drives for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. LG Electronics WH14NS40 14X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, Black LG Electronics WH14NS40 14X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, Black 194 9.5 Lg Shop on Amazon
2 2. LG Electronics WH16NS40 16X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, Black LG Electronics WH16NS40 16X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, Black 172 9.2 Lg Electronics Shop on Amazon
3 3. ASUS 24x DVD-RW Serial-ATA Internal OEM Optical Drive DRW-24B1ST Black(user guide is included) ASUS 24x DVD-RW Serial-ATA Internal OEM Optical Drive DRW-24B1ST Black(user guide is included) 166 9.0 Asus Shop on Amazon
4 4. Lite-On 24X SATA Internal DVD+/-RW Drive Optical Drive IHAS124-14 Lite-On 24X SATA Internal DVD+/-RW Drive Optical Drive IHAS124-14 60 8.8 Best Price Square Shop on Amazon
5 5. ASUS Internal 24X SATA Optical Drive DRW-24B3ST/BLK/G (Black) ASUS Internal 24X SATA Optical Drive DRW-24B3ST/BLK/G (Black) 81 8.7 Asus Shop on Amazon
6 6. Piodata S21 Internal Super Multi Drive 24X Optical CD DVD Drives Burner Writer DVR-S21DBK (Bulk) Piodata S21 Internal Super Multi Drive 24X Optical CD DVD Drives Burner Writer DVR-S21DBK (Bulk) 56 8.5 Piodata Shop on Amazon
7 7. PlexWriter Plextor PX-891SAF 24X SATA DVD/RW Dual Layer Burner Drive Writer - Black (Bulk) PlexWriter Plextor PX-891SAF 24X SATA DVD/RW Dual Layer Burner Drive Writer – Black (Bulk) 139 8.2 Plexwriter Shop on Amazon
8 8. PIONEER Internal Blu-ray Drive BDR-S13UBK Excellent Reliability & Stability 16x BD-R Writing Speed Internal BD/DVD/CD Writer with PureRead 4+ Realtime PureRead and M-DISC Support PIONEER Internal Blu-ray Drive BDR-S13UBK Excellent Reliability & Stability 16x BD-R Writing Speed Internal BD/DVD/CD Writer with PureRead 4+ Realtime … 140 7.8 Pioneer Shop on Amazon
9 9. PIONEER Internal Blu-ray Drives BDR-S13U-X Premium Model for Computer videophiles BD/DVD/CD Writer with PureRead 4+ Realtime PureRead and M-DISC Support Equipped PIONEER Internal Blu-ray Drives BDR-S13U-X Premium Model for Computer videophiles BD/DVD/CD Writer with PureRead 4+ Realtime PureRead and M-DISC Support … 84 7.5 Pioneer Shop on Amazon
10 10. PIONEER Internal Blu-ray Drive BDR-2213 High Reliability & 16x BD-R Writing Speed Internal BD/DVD/CD Writer with PureRead 3+ and M-DISC Support PIONEER Internal Blu-ray Drive BDR-2213 High Reliability & 16x BD-R Writing Speed Internal BD/DVD/CD Writer with PureRead 3+ and M-DISC … 71 7.3 Pioneer Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:23 UTC

What is the best internal optical drive on the market?

The best internal optical drive (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is LG Electronics WH14NS40 14X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, by Lg. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.54, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best internal optical drive - LG Electronics WH14NS40 14X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, BlackMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • Drive Type: Super-Multi Internal SATA Blu-ray Disc Rewriter
  • BD-R SL/DL: 14X/12XDVD-R SL/DL: 16X/8XDVD+R SL/DL: 16X/8X
  • CD-RW: 24X
  • Buffer Memory: 4MB
  • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Computers & Accessories > Computer Components > Internal Components > Internal Optical Drives > Internal Blu-ray Drives.

LG Electronics WH14NS40 14X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, is the only product in the list sold by Lg.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as LG Electronics WH16NS40 16X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, or ASUS 24x DVD-RW Serial-ATA Internal OEM Optical Drive DRW-24B1ST Black(user guide is included).

LG Electronics WH16NS40 16X Blu-ray/DVD/CD Multi compatible Internal SATA Rewriter Drive, BDXL, M-DISC Support, Black
ASUS 24x DVD-RW Serial-ATA Internal OEM Optical Drive DRW-24B1ST Black(user guide is included)