10 Best Panties For Men (April 2024)

When browsing the Internet for panties for men you may lose courage with vast variety of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of panties for men reviews to pick out the top rated and best-selling products. We analyzed the offers and rendered them in the form of visual table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best panties for men and related products in the table below. Panties for men price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Panties For Men for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Lacoste Men's Casual All Over Croc 3 Pack Cotton Stretch Boxer Briefs, Black/Pitch Chine/Silver Chine, S Lacoste Men's Casual All Over Croc 3 Pack Cotton Stretch Boxer Briefs, Black/Pitch Chine/Silver Chine, S 1028 9.5 Lacoste Shop on Amazon
2 2. Avidlove Underwear Men's 4 Pack Classic Low Rise Stretchy Hip Briefs Bikini(Black/White/Pink/Light Blue,M) Avidlove Underwear Men's 4 Pack Classic Low Rise Stretchy Hip Briefs Bikini(Black/White/Pink/Light Blue,M) 86 9.2 Avidlove Shop on Amazon
3 3. Faringoto Men's Ice Silk Thread Underpants T Pants, Solid Color, Breathable G-string Pants Pink Faringoto Men's Ice Silk Thread Underpants T Pants, Solid Color, Breathable G-string Pants Pink 53 9.1 Faringoto Shop on Amazon
4 4. Men's Lace Frilly Sissy Thong Panties Sheer Mesh Bikini Briefs T-back G-string Underwear Black-glossy pouch Large Men's Lace Frilly Sissy Thong Panties Sheer Mesh Bikini Briefs T-back G-string Underwear Black-glossy pouch Large 89 8.7 Ibakom Shop on Amazon
5 5. aishani SISSY pouch panties men's hipster panty silky bikini briefs for men -M Black aishani SISSY pouch panties men's hipster panty silky bikini briefs for men -M Black 77 8.5 Aishani Shop on Amazon
6 6. Slybar Mens Lace Panties Sexy Underwear Boxer Briefs Pouch Underwear Lingerie for Men Bikini Briefs Sissy Pouch Crossdress Panties (X-Large) Black Slybar Mens Lace Panties Sexy Underwear Boxer Briefs Pouch Underwear Lingerie for Men Bikini Briefs Sissy Pouch Crossdress Panties (X-Large) … 232 8.2 Slybar Shop on Amazon
7 7. IKINGSKY Men's Cheeky Boxer Briefs Sexy Thong Underwear Breathable Lace Mens Panties (Medium, 6 Pack) IKINGSKY Men's Cheeky Boxer Briefs Sexy Thong Underwear Breathable Lace Mens Panties (Medium, 6 Pack) 86 8.0 Ikingsky Shop on Amazon
8 8. WOWSKY Men's Nylon Thongs - Seamless T-Back, Sexy Low Rise Briefs, G-String Bulge Pouch Underwear Black 1 Pack (XL) WOWSKY Men's Nylon Thongs – Seamless T-Back, Sexy Low Rise Briefs, G-String Bulge Pouch Underwear Black 1 Pack (XL) 270 7.6 Wowsky Shop on Amazon
9 9. WINDAY Men Briefs Lace Silk Low Rise Bikini Briefs and Breathable Underwear B162 WINDAY Men Briefs Lace Silk Low Rise Bikini Briefs and Breathable Underwear B162 66 7.5 Winday Shop on Amazon
10 10. Walang Lip Men's Lace Briefs Sissy Pouch Underwear Breathable Stretch Panties Large Hip Wrap with Translucent Thighs (Black) Walang Lip Men's Lace Briefs Sissy Pouch Underwear Breathable Stretch Panties Large Hip Wrap with Translucent Thighs (Black) 65 7.3 Walang Lip Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:17 UTC

What are the best panties for men on the market?

The best panties for men (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) are Lacoste Men’s Casual All Over Croc 3 Pack Cotton Stretch Boxer Briefs, Black/Pitch Chine/Silver by Lacoste. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.51, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best panties for men - Lacoste Men's Casual All Over Croc 3 Pack Cotton Stretch Boxer Briefs, Black/Pitch Chine/Silver Chine, SMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • Simple elegance meets fashion in the CASUAL line. The soft cotton stretch blend ensures a perfect comfortable fit.
  • Includes 3 pairs
  • Elastic waistband featuring the Lacoste brand logo
  • Embroidered heat-sealed signature green crocodile at bottom hem
  • Contour pouch (no exit)
  • 95% Cotton, 5% Elastane

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Men > Clothing > Underwear > Boxer Briefs.

Lacoste Men’s Casual All Over Croc 3 Pack Cotton Stretch Boxer Briefs, Black/Pitch Chine/Silver is the only product in the list sold by Lacoste.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Avidlove Underwear Men’s 4 Pack Classic Low Rise Stretchy Hip Briefs Bikini(Black/White/Pink/Light Blue,M) or Faringoto Men’s Ice Silk Thread Underpants T Pants, Solid Color, Breathable G-string Pants Pink.

Avidlove Underwear Men's 4 Pack Classic Low Rise Stretchy Hip Briefs Bikini(Black/White/Pink/Light Blue,M)
Faringoto Men's Ice Silk Thread Underpants T Pants, Solid Color, Breathable G-string Pants Pink