10 Best Radial Arm Saws (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for radial arm saws you may be at a loss with diversity of items available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of radial arm saw reviews to pick out only top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using many parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best radial arm saws and akin products in the table below. Radial arm saw price may change very often, so we can't publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Radial Arm Saws for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Skil 10" Dual Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw - MS6305-00 Skil 10" Dual Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw – MS6305-00 463 9.7 Skil Shop on Amazon
2 2. Metabo HPT | Compound Miter Saw | 10-Inch | Single Bevel | 15-Amp Motor | 0-52° Miter Angle Range | 0-45° Bevel Range | Large Table | 10" 24T TCT Miter Saw Blade | C10FCGS Metabo HPT | Compound Miter Saw | 10-Inch | Single Bevel | 15-Amp Motor | 0-52° Miter Angle Range | … 2534 9.3 Metabo Hpt Shop on Amazon
3 3. DEWALT 12-Inch Miter Saw, 15-Amp, Single Bevel, Compound (DWS715),Black DEWALT 12-Inch Miter Saw, 15-Amp, Single Bevel, Compound (DWS715),Black 2314 9.0 Dewalt Shop on Amazon
4 4. DEWALT Miter Saw, 12 Inch Double Bevel Sliding Compound, Stainless Steel Detent Plate with 10 Stops, Cam-Lock Handle, For Quick & Accurate Miter Angles, Corded (DWS779) DEWALT Miter Saw, 12 Inch Double Bevel Sliding Compound, Stainless Steel Detent Plate with 10 Stops, Cam-Lock Handle, For Quick … 2717 8.7 Dewalt Shop on Amazon
5 5. DEWALT Miter Saw, 12-Inch, Double Bevel, Compound, XPS Cutline, 15-Amp (DWS716XPS) DEWALT Miter Saw, 12-Inch, Double Bevel, Compound, XPS Cutline, 15-Amp (DWS716XPS) 628 8.5 Dewalt Shop on Amazon
6 6. DEWALT Miter Saw, 12 Inch, 15 Amp, 3,800 RPM, Double Bevel Capacity, With Sliding Compound, Corded (DWS780) DEWALT Miter Saw, 12 Inch, 15 Amp, 3,800 RPM, Double Bevel Capacity, With Sliding Compound, Corded (DWS780) 669 8.1 Dewalt Shop on Amazon
7 7. DWT Sliding Miter Saw, 12-inch Compound Miter Saw with Double Bevel Cutting(-45°/0°/+45°)/Laser Guide/9 Positive Stops/3800RPM, 15Amp Miter Saw with Extension Table, 4.2x13in Cutting Capacity-HM1247A DWT Sliding Miter Saw, 12-inch Compound Miter Saw with Double Bevel Cutting(-45°/0°/+45°)/Laser Guide/9 Positive Stops/3800RPM, 15Amp Miter Saw with Extension … 484 7.9 Dwt Shop on Amazon
8 8. DEWALT Miter Saw, Single Bevel, Compound, 10-Inch, 15-Amp (DWS713) DEWALT Miter Saw, Single Bevel, Compound, 10-Inch, 15-Amp (DWS713) 1507 7.5 Dewalt Shop on Amazon
9 9. Makita LS1219L 12" Dual-Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser Makita LS1219L 12" Dual-Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser 238 7.2 Makita Shop on Amazon
10 10. DOVAMAN Miter Saw, 12 inch Sliding Miter Saw, 0-45° Double Bevel Cutting w/Laser, 3800RPM, 15Amp Compound Miter Saw w/ 9 Positive Stops, 4.2 x 13 in Cutting Capacity, Expanded Table Side-DMS03A DOVAMAN Miter Saw, 12 inch Sliding Miter Saw, 0-45° Double Bevel Cutting w/Laser, 3800RPM, 15Amp Compound Miter Saw w/ 9 … 671 7.0 Dovaman Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:14 UTC

What is the best radial arm saw on the market?

The best radial arm saw (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is Skil 10″ Dual Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw – MS6305-00 by Skil. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.65, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best radial arm saw - Skil 10" Dual Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw - MS6305-00Main features of this product published by seller are:

  • POWERFUL 15 AMP MOTOR – Delivers 4,800 RPM for quick, detailed cuts
  • DUAL BEVEL – Perform cuts in four positive stop positions at 48° & 45° left, 0°, and 45° right
  • LED SHADOW LINE – Provides high precision cuts with greater accuracy than lasers
  • 2×12 CUTTING CAPACITY – Cross cuts lumber up to 2×12 at 90 degrees, and 2×8 lumber at 45 degrees
  • CUTS AT COMMON ANGLES – Cuts up to 50 degrees left and right with 11 positive stops at most used …

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Power & Hand Tools > Power Tools > Saws > Miter Saws.

Skil 10″ Dual Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw – MS6305-00 is the only product in the list sold by Skil.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Metabo HPT | Compound Miter Saw | 10-Inch | Single Bevel | 15-Amp Motor or DEWALT 12-Inch Miter Saw, 15-Amp, Single Bevel, Compound (DWS715),Black.

Metabo HPT | Compound Miter Saw | 10-Inch | Single Bevel | 15-Amp Motor | 0-52° Miter Angle Range | 0-45° Bevel Range | Large Table | 10" 24T TCT Miter Saw Blade | C10FCGS
DEWALT 12-Inch Miter Saw, 15-Amp, Single Bevel, Compound (DWS715),Black