10 Best Liquid Hand Soaps (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for liquid hand soaps you may be at a loss with vast variety of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of liquid hand soap reviews to pick out the top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and rendered them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best liquid hand soaps and related products in the table below. Liquid hand soap price may change very often, so we can't publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Liquid Hand Soaps for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. MRS. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY Liquid Hand Soap, Made with Essential Oils, Biodegradable Formula, Rain Water, 12.5 fl. oz - Pack of 3 MRS. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY Liquid Hand Soap, Made with Essential Oils, Biodegradable Formula, Rain Water, 12.5 fl. oz – Pack … 115 9.6 Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Shop on Amazon
2 2. Amazon Basics Gentle & Mild Clear Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Triclosan-free, 50 Fluid Ounces, 1-Pack (Previously Solimo) Amazon Basics Gentle & Mild Clear Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Triclosan-free, 50 Fluid Ounces, 1-Pack (Previously Solimo) 77 9.5 Amazon Basics Shop on Amazon
3 3. Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Formula, Lavender Scent, 33 Fl Oz (Pack of 1) Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Formula, Lavender Scent, 33 Fl Oz (Pack of … 138 9.1 Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Shop on Amazon
4 4. Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Fresh Breeze - 7.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 6) Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Fresh Breeze – 7.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 6) 3499 8.9 Softsoap Shop on Amazon
5 5. Amazon Basics Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Milk and Honey Scent, Triclosan-Free, 50 Fluid Ounces, 2-Pack (Previously Solimo) Amazon Basics Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Milk and Honey Scent, Triclosan-Free, 50 Fluid Ounces, 2-Pack (Previously Solimo) 2937 8.6 Amazon Basics Shop on Amazon
6 6. Softsoap Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, White Tea & Berry Scented Hand Soap, 50 Ounce(Packaging May Vary) Softsoap Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, White Tea & Berry Scented Hand Soap, 50 Ounce(Packaging May Vary) 3468 8.3 Softsoap Shop on Amazon
7 7. Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, Spring Water, 11 fl oz (Pack of 4) Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, Spring Water, 11 fl oz (Pack of 4) 2829 8.0 Dial Shop on Amazon
8 8. Softsoap Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap, Soothing Clean Aloe Vera - 7.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 6) Softsoap Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap, Soothing Clean Aloe Vera – 7.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 6) 3748 7.7 Softsoap Shop on Amazon
9 9. Softsoap Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap, Milk and Honey, 7.5 Fluid Ounce, Pack of 6 (Package may vary) Softsoap Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap, Milk and Honey, 7.5 Fluid Ounce, Pack of 6 (Package may vary) 2573 7.3 Softsoap Shop on Amazon
10 10. Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Soothing Clean, Aloe Vera Fresh Scent - 1 gallon, Pack of 4 Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Soothing Clean, Aloe Vera Fresh Scent – 1 gallon, Pack of 4 2532 7.2 Softsoap Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:47 UTC

What is the best liquid hand soap on the market?

The best liquid hand soap (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is MRS. MEYER’S CLEAN DAY Liquid Hand Soap, Made with Essential Oils, Biodegradable Formula, Rain by Mrs. Meyer’S Clean Day. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.61, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best liquid hand soap - MRS. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY Liquid Hand Soap, Made with Essential Oils, Biodegradable Formula, Rain Water, 12.5 fl. oz - Pack of 3Main features of this product published by seller are:

  • Hardworking Rain Water scented soap for busy hands
  • Liquid hand soap made with essential oils, aloe vera, olive oil, and other thoughtfully chosen ingredients
  • Rain Water scented hand soap has a fragrance so clean. Drops of Rain Water fall on leaves and noses and …
  • Hand Soap made without parabens, phthalates or artificial colors
  • Mrs. Meyer's products are made with cruelty-free formulas and are Leaping Bunny certified
  • Moisturizing hand soap that softens busy and hardworking hands

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Foot, Hand & Nail Care > Foot & Hand Care > Hand Wash.

MRS. MEYER’S CLEAN DAY Liquid Hand Soap, Made with Essential Oils, Biodegradable Formula, Rain is not the only product in the list sold by Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day.
Another product by this brand which is also in our list is Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Formula, Lavender Scent, 33 Fl Oz (Pack of 1), it is on the 3 position.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Amazon Basics Gentle & Mild Clear Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Triclosan-free, 50 Fluid Ounces, or Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Formula, Lavender.

Amazon Basics Gentle & Mild Clear Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Triclosan-free, 50 Fluid Ounces, 1-Pack (Previously Solimo)
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Formula, Lavender Scent, 33 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)