10 Best Adjustable Safety Razors (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for adjustable safety razors you may be at a loss with the amount of items available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of adjustable safety razor reviews to select the top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best adjustable safety razors and akin products in the table below. Adjustable safety razor price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Adjustable Safety Razors for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The Emperor “Meiji”) VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The Emperor “Meiji”) 622 9.6 Vikings Blade Shop on Amazon
2 2. VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The Emperor “Augustus”) VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The Emperor “Augustus”) 609 9.2 Vikings Blade Shop on Amazon
3 3. Safety Razor Men's Safety Razors Double-Edged Shaver 8 Speed Adjustable Sharpness With 10 Replaceable Blades Manual Shaving (Silver) Safety Razor Men's Safety Razors Double-Edged Shaver 8 Speed Adjustable Sharpness With 10 Replaceable Blades Manual Shaving (Silver) 98 8.8 Wangssolid Shop on Amazon
4 4. QSHAVE Adjustable Double Edge Classic Safety Razor (1 Razor & 5 pcs Titanium Coated Blades) QSHAVE Adjustable Double Edge Classic Safety Razor (1 Razor & 5 pcs Titanium Coated Blades) 298 8.6 Qshave Shop on Amazon
5 5. The Parker Variant OPEN COMB - ADJUSTABLE Double Edge Safety Razor, Customize your Shave with a Turn of the Dial from Mild to Aggressive - 5 Blades Included (SATIN CHROME) The Parker Variant OPEN COMB – ADJUSTABLE Double Edge Safety Razor, Customize your Shave with a Turn of the Dial … 121 8.5 Parker Safety Razor Shop on Amazon
6 6. WEISHI Butterfly Open Double Edge Safety Razor Nostalgic Adjustable Matte Black WEISHI Butterfly Open Double Edge Safety Razor Nostalgic Adjustable Matte Black 106 8.2 Weishi Shop on Amazon
7 7. Merkur FUTUR Adjustable Safety Razor, Chrome Finish, MK-701001 Merkur FUTUR Adjustable Safety Razor, Chrome Finish, MK-701001 386 8.0 Merkur Shop on Amazon
8 8. Pearl Flexi Adjustable Safety Razor Version V12 - Reusable Metal Razor made of 100% Brass | Eco Friendly Double Edge Razor for Men | Men's Shaving Razor for best Valentine's Gift Option Pearl Flexi Adjustable Safety Razor Version V12 – Reusable Metal Razor made of 100% Brass | Eco Friendly Double Edge … 95 7.9 Pearl Shop on Amazon
9 9. Merkur Razor Adjustable Futur Brushed Chrome Safety Razor, MK-700002 , 1 Count (Pack of 1) Merkur Razor Adjustable Futur Brushed Chrome Safety Razor, MK-700002 , 1 Count (Pack of 1) 506 7.6 Merkur Shop on Amazon
10 10. Merkur Progress Adjustable Safety Razor, MK-500001 Merkur Progress Adjustable Safety Razor, MK-500001 104 7.5 Merkur Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:38 UTC

What is the best adjustable safety razor on the market?

The best adjustable safety razor (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) is VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The by Vikings Blade. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.58, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best adjustable safety razor - VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The Emperor “Meiji”)Main features of this product published by seller are:

  • THE SMOOTHEST SHAVE for both men & women – Significantly reducing ingrown hair, skin irritations and razor burn often experienced …
  • LIFELONG DURABILITY – This ALL-IN-ONE adjustable safety razor is made from solid, premium metals, which will last a lifetime. It …
  • WISE, ECONOMICAL CHOICE – Replacement blades are smoother, milder, more effective, and significantly cheaper (15x-20x) than plastic cartridges.
  • ECO FRIENDLY – Unlike costly disposable cartridge razors, when you purchase this product, the entire razor and all its refill …
  • PACKAGE CONTENT – 1 adjustable double edge safety razor (single blade razor), 1 luxury case. Does NOT come with blades. …
  • SMALL BUSINESS – This product is from a small family business brand. Support small.

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Special Features Stores > partition_078 > partition_000 > Deodorants & Shave.

VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The is not the only product in the list sold by Vikings Blade.
Another product by this brand which is also in our list is VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The Emperor “Augustus”), it is on the 2 position.

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The or Safety Razor Men’s Safety Razors Double-Edged Shaver 8 Speed Adjustable Sharpness With 10 Replaceable.

VIKINGS BLADE Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + Luxury Case. Smooth, Reusable, Eco-Friendly (The Emperor “Augustus”)
Safety Razor Men's Safety Razors Double-Edged Shaver 8 Speed Adjustable Sharpness With 10 Replaceable Blades Manual Shaving (Silver)