10 Best Plug In Scent (April 2024)

When searching the Internet for plug in scent you may be at a loss with diversity of products available online. Our automated AI system scanned thousands of plug in scent reviews to select only top rated and best-selling products. We summarized the offers and arranged them in the form of demonstrative table sorted by Score – the internal variable which is calculated for each product using a lot of parameters including sales rank, customer satisfaction rate, number of reviews, popularity and more.
You will find 10 best plug in scent and similar products in the table below. Plug in scent price may change very often, so we can not publish prices on our site, although the site is updated daily. For your convenience there is a link to Amazon next to each product, where you will find actual price.

Top 10 Plug In Scent for March 2024 *
Rank Image Product Reviews Scanned Score Brand Buy
1 1. Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Apple Cinnamon, 3.35 Fl Oz, 5 Count Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Apple Cinnamon, 3.35 Fl Oz, 5 Count 2005 9.7 Glade Shop on Amazon
2 2. Air Wick Plug in Scented Oil Refill, 10ct, Lavender & Chamomile, Air Freshener, Essential Oils, Eco Friendly Air Wick Plug in Scented Oil Refill, 10ct, Lavender & Chamomile, Air Freshener, Essential Oils, Eco Friendly 2997 9.4 Air Wick Shop on Amazon
3 3. Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners For Home, Air Freshener Plug In, Gain Scent, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer + 2 Oil Refills Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners For Home, Air Freshener Plug In, Gain Scent, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer … 3114 9.3 Febreze Shop on Amazon
4 4. Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners, Light Bamboo, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer + 4 Oil Refills Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners, Light Bamboo, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer + 4 Oil Refills 1364 9.1 Febreze Shop on Amazon
5 5. Febreze Plug in Air Fresheners for home, Air Freshener Plug In, Wall Diffuser, Ocean Scent, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer + 2 Oil Refills Febreze Plug in Air Fresheners for home, Air Freshener Plug In, Wall Diffuser, Ocean Scent, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, … 944 8.9 Febreze Shop on Amazon
6 6. Glade PlugIns Air Freshener Starter Kit, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Cashmere Woods, 4.02 Fl Oz, 2 Warmers and 6 Refills Glade PlugIns Air Freshener Starter Kit, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Cashmere Woods, 4.02 Fl Oz, 2 … 2628 8.6 Glade Shop on Amazon
7 7. Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener Starter Kit, Scented Oil for Home and Bathroom, Hawaiian Breeze, 0.67 Fl Oz, 1 Warmer + 1 Refill Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener Starter Kit, Scented Oil for Home and Bathroom, Hawaiian Breeze, 0.67 Fl Oz, 1 Warmer … 1316 8.4 Glade Shop on Amazon
8 8. Air Wick plug in Scented Oil Starter Kit, 2 Warmers + 6 Refills, Lavender & Chamomile, Eco friendly, Essential Oils, Air Freshener Air Wick plug in Scented Oil Starter Kit, 2 Warmers + 6 Refills, Lavender & Chamomile, Eco friendly, Essential Oils, … 1688 8 Air Wick Shop on Amazon
9 9. Air Wick Plug In Scented Oil Starter Kit, 2 Warmers + 6 Refills, Vanilla & Pink Papaya, Essential Oils, Air Freshener Air Wick Plug In Scented Oil Starter Kit, 2 Warmers + 6 Refills, Vanilla & Pink Papaya, Essential Oils, Air … 529 7.9 Air Wick Shop on Amazon
10 10. Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners, Linen & Sky Scent, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer + 2 Oil Refills Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners, Linen & Sky Scent, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer + 2 Oil Refills 2953 7.7 Febreze Shop on Amazon

* Table last updated: 22 March 2024 1:34 UTC

What are the best plug in scent on the market?

The best plug in scent (number 1 on our list for 22 March 2024) are Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Apple by Glade. Average calculated Customer Satisfaction and Product Selling Score for this product is 9.67, which is near to the very maximum of 10 points.
Best plug in scent - Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Apple Cinnamon, 3.35 Fl Oz, 5 CountMain features of this product published by seller are:

  • One 5 count pack of Glade PlugIns Air Freshener Refill, Apple Cinnamon scent, allows you to enjoy the home fragrance …
  • Glade Apple Cinnamon PlugIns refills freshen rooms with long-lasting scented oil, and masterfully created scent sensations
  • A great way to decorate the air in any room of your home, these apple fragrance oil refills are crafted …
  • Each air freshener oil refill offers up to 50 days of continuous diffused apple cinnamon fragrance when used with the …
  • A perfect air freshener for home enhancement, Glade PlugIns offer a wide range of fragrances from coastal and tropical to …

Click here to visit Amazon and check price for this product. It is listed in the following category: Kitchen & Dining Features.

Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Apple is not the only product in the list sold by Glade.

Other products by this brand are:

  • Glade PlugIns Air Freshener Starter Kit, Scented and Essential Oils for Home and Bathroom, Cashmere Woods, 4.02 Fl Oz, 2 Warmers and 6 Refills
  • Glade PlugIns Refills Air Freshener Starter Kit, Scented Oil for Home and Bathroom, Hawaiian Breeze, 0.67 Fl Oz, 1 Warmer + 1 Refill

You may also check other products from the top 3, such as Air Wick Plug in Scented Oil Refill, 10ct, Lavender & Chamomile, Air Freshener, Essential or Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners For Home, Air Freshener Plug In, Gain Scent, Odor.

Air Wick Plug in Scented Oil Refill, 10ct, Lavender & Chamomile, Air Freshener, Essential Oils, Eco Friendly
Febreze Plug In Air Fresheners For Home, Air Freshener Plug In, Gain Scent, Odor Fighter for Strong Odors, 1 Warmer + 2 Oil Refills